check Authorised voter (it has been verified that you are an elegible voter)
Some words by the election organizer... It should include a formal identification of the legal entity organizing the election, including links to pages with information about this election, instructions on how to get support, any necessary data protection stuff, etc... More info
Question 3: Who do you want to be the next president of the association? +
  • playlist_add 23 Available options info_outline more_vert

    Select between 4 and 12 options to cast your vote. Click on an option to add it to the selected options list at the right.

Don Lockwood
Dolore ex deserunt aute fugiat aute nulla ea sunt aliqua nisi cupidatat eu. Nostrud in laboris labore nisi amet do dolor eu fugiat consectetur elit cillum esse. More...
Eunice Burns
Dolore ex deserunt aute fugiat aute nulla ea sunt aliqua nisi cupidatat eu. Nostrud in laboris labore nisi amet do dolor eu fugiat consectetur elit cillum esse. More...
  • playlist_add_check 3 options selected

    Change the options order by dragging them.

Select no less than 3 and up to 5. You can choose 2 more.
#1 +4 Eunice Burns

Bike Stock


Item 1

Price: $449


Item 1

Price: $449


Item 1

Price: $449

visibility_off Encrypting your ballot (so that nobody can know its content) check
send Sending ballot to server (using a secure channel and verifying your identity) check

1. Who do you want to be the next president of the association?

check_box Rufus Firefly check_box Eunice Burns check_box Jennifer Parker

2. Who do you want to be the next CEO of the association?

check_box Rufus Firefly check_box Eunice Burns
khyyKtGfFD EtVfOiujUy64 fjasfH8ikGG44 GJ6hyKIffa sd567IJjgk l9JJjhhgffD EghlokiE3 khyyKtGfFDEtVfOiujUy64fjasfH8ikGG44GJ6hyKIffas d567IJjgkl9JJj hhgffDEg hlokiE3khyyKtGfFDEtV fOiujUy64fjasfH8ikGG44GJ6hyKIff asd5 67IJjgkl9 JJjhhgffDEg hlokiE3khyyK tGfFDEtVfOiu jUy 64fjasfH8ikG G44GJ6hyKIffa sd567IJjgkl9JJ jhhgffDEghlokiE3khyyKtGfFDEtVfOiujUy64fjas fH8ikGG44GJ 6hyKIffasd56 7IJjgkl9JJjhh ffDEghlokiE3khyy KtGfFDEtVfOiu3

audit the ballot security

check The voting process has been completed successfully
  • receipt Vote tracker

    Your vote tracker is: fljskk it allows you to verify that your ballot has been included unaltered in the tally. Keep it or Save results publication date and verification instructions to calendar calendar . Copy to clipboard.

  • receipt Share on social networks

    Share on social networks Sharing that you have voted shows your compromise with the organization behind the election. facebook twitter

  • receipt Overwriting your vote

    Did you know that you can overwrite your vote as many times as you want? Only the last vote casted will be taken into account in the tally. This helps minimizing the risk of coercion.

  • receipt Security, privacy and transparency
    This election has been executed using nVotes free software (version x.x hash github link) with the following election configuration (JSON)

    If my ballot is encrypted before I cast it, how can I be sure that that the encryption process is legitimate and does not alter the options I have selected? You can do so by running the voting process again and auditing the encrypted ballot in the review step (click the zoom_in icon at the top right corner)

  • receipt Feedback

    Did you like the voting experience. Help us improve by filling in the feedback form. Do you participate in any organization that runs elections? Refer us to them.

  • receipt Use nVotes in your organization
hourglass_empty Ballots are collected until the election ends
inbox Ballots are shuffled to anonymize them
vpn_key Ballots are decrypted to make their content readable
format_list_numbered Tally is run
wifi Results are published
sentiment_satisfied Verify that your ballot has been included in the tally
done_all Verify that the tally has been carried out correctly